Throughout the world - every day of the week, every minute of every day - countless thousands of people practice their own form of meditation.

Each person finds solace and comfort in their own particular way.....

By holding a quartz crystal or an amethyst in your hand whilst participating in whichever type of meditation is appropriate to your own individual needs, you will enhance and enrich the spiritual depths of your own meditative experience.

The quartz crystal or amethyst enables you to undertake a new and wondrous journey within the inner recesses of your soul.

Unknown pathways, hitherto previously uncharted, will open up in front of you.

A new dimension of self-expression will rise to the surface and expand your inner consciousness and awareness.

The amethyst, of course, is well known for being able to relieve mental and physical stress and tension. It is the stone containing inner peace and tranquillity; the stone of sublime relaxation.

All meditation rooms would greatly benefit from having large quartz crystals placed at all four corners of the room with their single-terminated points directed towards the centre of the room. The crystals should be placed either on the floor or affixed to the corners of the ceiling.

Each of the four quartz crystals in the meditation room should be 'programmed' to project gentle, loving, relaxing, and crystalline energy towards all those present within the Meditation group. The quartz crystals will then generate a field of positive crystalline energy surrounding everyone in the room.

Whilst holding your crystal or amethyst when meditating with music you will often discover that some quite amazing effects are being produced.

On some occasions you might even be able to 'see' the music in terms of colour and shape. Even should you be just listening to a piece of music whilst holding your stone - and not even consciously trying to meditate -you will find the depth of experience greatly enriched by the presence of your crystal or amethyst.

Whenever harmonious music is being played in the presence of your crystal or amethyst, the mood and thoughts of the composer become deeply embedded within the very heart of the crystal and if you 'listen' to the crystal afterwards, with your inner ear, you will often be able to pick up the esoteric meaning of the music itself.

You may use your crystal or amethyst in so very many ways when meditating.

Do not be afraid to experiment and try new methods.

Listen to what your crystal is saying and try to respond accordingly.

You will find the results truly amazing and very worth while.

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