7 Principles of Spiritualism

1.The Fatherhood of God

The universe is extremely complex, both in physical and spiritual terms. Not only is there the known universe that scientists can prove, but there are the astral planes and all other worlds. This could not have come about by chance. A supreme plan is in existence of which we know so little, a plan must have been orchestra ted by some supreme being. Perhaps not an old man with white hair sitting on a throne or a 6 headed monster, but maybe a vibrant intelligence and energy that we cannot possibly comprehend.

2.The Brotherhood of Man

We are all equal because we are all children of the one supreme God and therefore brothers and sisters. Though equal we are also unequal. There is a great inequality of wealth and prosperity, a great inequality of physical abilities and strengths and also a great inequality of spiritual awareness and advancement. However, it is the soul that is equal to every other soul - albeit at different stages of development. In the ultimate stage all will be level because perfection is a definitive thing, and perfection is God Supreme.

3.The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

The 'communion of spirits' with humans occurs not only in the public performance of a medium on the platform, but also in everyday life. By the intuition we receive, the presence we feel, our thoughts are interlinked between the two worlds and also by astral travelling in both the physical and the spirit world during dream or trance states. The 'ministry of angels' is from our helpers in the spirit world who we might regard as 'guardian angels', or guides. They provide the powers of healing, inspirational writing, trance, etc.

4.The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul

Our existence is eternal. We always have been, we are now, and always will be, in whatever form or plane our spirit or soul is in. Most religions believe this but the Spiritualist religion explains it more simply and more correctly. For example, the soul does not lie with the body until the trumpet call on judgement day, it moves instantly at the moment of physical death into another world, to another plane, to another challenge.

5.Personal Responsibility

Every action we take, every thought we think, every word we speak is our responsibility. We can never blame anybody else for our errors or give credit to others for our successes. The mind is responsible for its own actions. To illustrate, two persons could be in exactly the same situation but react differently - one may be highly stressed, the other may calmly handle the situation. Since each responds in a different way to the same situation, then it is their state of mind which is different, and therefore they are personally responsible for their own thoughts and actions.

6.Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all Good and Evil deeds done on Earth

In the infinite and unending existence of the soul, the law of karma has to be worked out. Every evil deed, thought and word has to be paid for; but we are our own judge, and on our return to the spirit world we shall see for ourselves what recompense must be made.

7.Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul

We can progress to higher and higher planes of development when we have learnt our lessons and repaid our dues. We can climb to unbelievable heights. To understand this progress and what life and spiritual eternity is all about, imagine the whole complex as a giant pyramid of infinite size. The pyramid is God. The pinnacle is the Godhead, the supreme being. The pyramid has no base but extends downwards from the Godhead forever. The stones are not solid but fluid, and each stone is a soul, all part of God and all important to the whole, therefore the lower layers are as important as the top. There are countless positions within the pyramid, again each is as important as the other. The base is larger than the top because there are far more of us humble beings trying to achieve a higher position in the pyramid, working to achieve perfection - the Godhead the pinnacle.

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